bonprix “fashion connect” concept awarded “Store Of The Year 2020” prize


EN-News | Company

bonprix’s radical, customer-oriented, digitally-assisted and adaptive “fashion connect” shop picked up a special prize at the prestigious “Store Of The Year 2020” awards ceremony at Germany’s 16th Retail Property Congress in Berlin on last Wednesday evening. A jury of industry experts honoured the company’s consistent efforts to unite the very best from the online and offline sectors, creating a highly innovative and unique shopping experience. Since 2005, the German Retail Association (HDE) has presented their “Store Of The Year” awards to pioneering, creative shop concepts.

“Although it’s only been a year since we opened we’ve had a fantastic reception from our customers, as well as huge interest from the media, experts, competitors and the industry as a whole. It shows just how important frank and transparent dialogue is in shaping the future of retail,” said Rien Jansen, Managing Director and Head of Purchasing, Marketing & Retail at bonprix Handelsgesellschaft. “Being awarded a “Store Of The Year” prize just before our first anniversary is testimony to the success of this bold move, and I’m proud and grateful to share it with everyone involved in the “fashion connect” project."

bonprix's “fashion connect” store opened on 14th February 2019 at a prime location in Hamburg. Planning took two and a half years and involved an interdisciplinary team of leading experts from bonprix and the Otto Group, as well as external partners, including dan pearlman, dgroup, Vizona, Mieloo & Alexander, apploft, GK Software and SAP.

Customers use their phones to shop with a bonprix app guiding them through the process. Since it was launched, the technology has remained stable and demonstrates the opportunities modern processes and digital assistance can bring to retail. Regular customer feedback provides key insights so the concept can be constantly adapted and incorporate new features. The “learning store” concept means the weaknesses of traditional retail are systematically eradicated, making shopping a more comfortable experience.

“This radical idea would never have succeeded without the support of our customers. They’ve been with us right from the word go and continue to give us valuable impulses,” said Daniel Füchtenschnieder, Head of bonprix Retail GmBH and responsible for developing the concept. “We work as a team to continually improve the “fashion connect” store and push towards our vision of a fully connected shopping experience.” Multichannel and retargeting potential is currently the focus. Another major milestone will be the introduction of endless aisles in the first quarter of 2020. The term refers to enabling customers to browse the store and order online.

bonprix's “fashion connect” store received a special accolade at this year’s “Store Of The Year” awards. The prize acknowledges exceptional strategies that demonstrate real added value compared to classic high street retail. The jury praised bonprix’s progressive and courageous vision of fusing traditional analogue retail with the benefits of online shopping. Customer interaction and continual updates facilitate efficient improvements and an intelligent, self-learning, future-proof store that provides consumers with a revolutionary shopping experience.

It was 16th time that the German Retail Association has held its “Store Of The Year” awards. Prizes are given for five categories (Home/Living, Food, Fashion, Concept Store, Out of Line) plus one special accolade. Entries are judged on innovation, customer value, added value, customer experience, role model function and USP.

Caption group photo: HDE General Manager Stefan Genth (center) hands over this year's “Stores of the Year” award to bonprix Retail Managing Director Daniel Füchtenschnieder (left) and bonprix Managing Director for Purchasing, Marketing and Retail Rien Jansen (right). bonprix won the special prize for its "fashion connect" store. Copyright: bonprix


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Über bonprix

bonprix ist ein international erfolgreiches Mode- und E-Commerce-Unternehmen. 1986 als Katalog-Versandhändler in Hamburg gegründet, beschäftigt bonprix heute knapp 2.500 Mitarbeitende weltweit. Rund 12 Millionen aktive Kund*innen in über 25 Ländern shoppen vor allem in den bonprix Webshops und Apps Kleidung und Accessoires für Damen, Herren und Kinder sowie Home- und Living-Produkte. Als vertikale Fashion Brand vertreibt bonprix ausschließliche eigene Mode mit einem ausgezeichneten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis.  

Im Geschäftsjahr 2023/24 (29. Februar 2024) erwirtschaftete die bonprix Gruppe einen Umsatz von 1,52 Milliarden Euro und ist damit eines der umsatzstärksten Unternehmen in der Otto Group. In Deutschland gehört zu den größten Onlineshops und ist auf Platz 4 der Onlineshops mit dem Hauptproduktsegment Mode.* 

*Quelle: Ranking umsatzstärkste Onlineshops „E-Commerce-Markt Deutschland 2023“ von EHI Retail Institute/ecommerceDB



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